Loan Options Available at Aviation Credit Union

A common question among credit union members is how much they can borrow.. While every credit union is different, here at St. Joseph’s Irish Airports & Aviation Credit Union, we focus on our member’s ‘repayment capacity’. This means we approve member loan applications based on how much they can afford to repay each month (not how much they have in shares / savings).

Here at St. Joseph’s, we offer 5 main types of loans for the benefit of our members, those are:

1. Secured Loan (4.9%) - This is the best deal we make available to members and the reason it is so low-cost is because it is linked directly to the shares / savings members have currently. This can be an ideal option for members with a lot of savings but limited income.

2. Car Loan (5.9%)– Our car loan rates are among the best in the Irish market. Members that choose our car loans do so where they prefer the option of owing their car outright (as opposed to the PCP option where they do not).

3. Holiday Loan (7.9%)– Borrow up to €5,000 for a maximum term of 18 months.

4. Education Loan (7.9%) – Our education loans have been developed to meet member needs. We take a flexible approach to education loans and assess each application on the individual merits.

5. Standard Loan (8.9%) - Reduced! Use our Standard Loan to carry out important home improvements.

Talk to a loan representative at any of our branch locations. To expedite your loan application, simple complete a loan application, include the required information and documentation and drop it in or post into your local branch for review.

All loan applications subject to standard underwriting criteria including income and credit check.

Use our new loan calculator to review your repayment options weekly or monthly.