Good News on the Economy

The latest statistics from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) reveals how unemployment levels continues to fall.

We decided to take a peek at the figures.

Unemployment falls

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for April 2017 was 6.2%, down from 6.4% in March 2017 and down from 8.4% in April 2016. The seasonally adjusted number of persons unemployed was 135,800 in April 2017, down from 140,600 when compared to the March 2017 figure and a decrease of 47,300 when compared to April 2016. Good news indeed!

Eurozone economy grows faster than US

Euro zone businesses started the second quarter by turning out their best performance in six years. Official numbers earlier this week showed the bloc far outpaced the US last quarter.

Brexit arrivals in Ireland

US banking giant JP Morgan is in advanced negotiations about a project which could see as many as 500 extra staff added to its existing Dublin operation. The bank had previously indicated that it would be likely to relocate staff once Brexit began in earnest. Other companies in the UK, including financial service firms are also signalling similar moves. The bank currently has 500 staff in the International Financial Services Centre.

We are listening...and lending! 

With some positive news on both the Irish and Eurozone economies, many families are taking stock of their finances. Here at St. Joe’s Credit Union, we continue to focus on member needs. This is why we offer a range of highly competitive loans for Education, Car and Home Improvements. So, if you are thinking about some borrowing needs, why not give us a call. Our branch locations in Dublin Airport, Shannon Airport and Cork Airport are conveniently located and our qualified staff and ready to answer any questions you may have.